

Rice NeshapRice NeshapRice Neshap

EST can help bring your engines into RICE-NESHAP compliance.  We engineer and design emission conversion units which control and monitor emissions to the RICE-NESHAP standards.  EST silencer/convertors and controls are efficient, cost effective, and delivered on time.  They are custom designed specifically to meet your equipment and site requirements to assure ease of installation into your existing exhaust system and minimal downtime.

RICE-NESHAP emission conversion requirements include:

  • 70% CO (carbon monoxide) reduction for diesel engines.
  • 93% CO (carbon monoxide) reduction for spark-ignited engines.
  • 76% HC2O (formaldehyde) reduction for spark-ignited engines.
  • Continuous monitoring for engines above 500 hp.
  • Closed crankcase vent or vent filter system for diesel engines.

RICE-NESHAP Compliance Deadlines:

  • Diesel engines – May 3, 2013.
  • Spark Ignited engines – October, 19, 2013.

Emissions & Silencer Technology offers:

  • Emission reduction to meet RICE-NESHAP requirements.
  • Accessible catalyst portals for easy replacement.
  • Horizontal or Vertical designs.
  • Low pressure drop designs.
  • Carbon steel or stainless steel housings.
  • Cost efficient units.
  • Quick delivery.
  • Designed to efficiently interface with existing equipment.
  • Easy to understand and use data logging monitoring system which meets RICE-NESHAP documentation requirements.


For more information on RICE-NESHAP requirements visit:

